The Free Store

The Free Store

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Remembering Wilkinsburg-Mass Shooting In the Hood.

March 9, 2016 was a very warm day in Wilkinsbug PA,  about 2 miles from the City of Pittsburgh. So warm you can cook out.
At 11 pm shots rang out in Wilkinsburg nothing unusual Wilkinsburg is the hood.  Eight people were shot including a pregnant woman.  Six people including 4 women,  1 man, and an unborn baby boy.  They werent just shot they were slaughtered.

One man stood in the back alley behind Britney Powell's house and fired a hand gun as the victims ran to safety the second man shot them down with an AK 47 on the porch less than a foot away from safety.  In a few seconds three of Jessica Shelton's children were dead and two of her nieces were dead and her unborn grandchild.

The Suspects were caught,  nothing lights a fire under people's butt quicker than an International story in your County. Cheron Shelton, no relation to the victims, was angry because he believed one of the Survivors of the shooting and the brother of Brittney, Mike,  and Netta Powell, shot and killed his best friend and he saw an opportunity to hurt him by killing his loved ones.  They are still down the County jail awaiting trail. They will now spend the rest of their lives behind bars for nothing. 

RIP Netta Powell, and Unborn Baby,  Brittney Powell,  Tina Shelton,  Jerry Shelton, and Shada Mahone.
I promise you that I will never let anyone forget you.  

Monday, March 4, 2019

What the Church can do for the Hood

I am a new Christian who is growing iny faith.  I attend City Reach Swissvale when Im not working and I attend Small Groups which is Bible Study.  This church fits me because not only people like me welcome there they are a big part of the church.  Former Drug addicts,  the Homeless,  and Former Dealers, Prostitutes and other Street people.  Most people like me are not sure we are welcome in most churches because we have pasts and we were sinners.  I found this church because they do Outreach in my community.

When a person turns from a life of sin and degagration they know their is a God but they may not know where to find him.  They also do not know how to act. I still cursed a lot and got into figjts constintly but I had a desire to change.  I found people both from my church and my Mentor who lives in Maine to help me get rid of my anger and they tought me the bible.  I had to go through Santification which was a real difficult  process because you have to change.   I began reading the bible and learning about God's grace. To a former Street gang member God's grace sounds so wonderful.

There is a lot of need in the Hoods of America for churches to come in and do outreach and preaching.  Mainly what the people need to see and feel is loved.  Remember love is one thing we dont receive very often.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Moral Crisis in the Hood

My mentor is teaching me about Morals and Morality. She feels that the Hood has lost the morality.
This is true once our Communitties were flooded with Guns and violence morality went out the door.
I remember the days before Drugs ruined my hood.  First of all,  if you did something wrong the adults in the Community told you about it and then told your mama.  We knew we bet not talk smart to Mrs Jenkons because Mama would tear our butts up twice.  This tought us respect for our elders. Today Young Sisters wanna beat up Mrs Jenkins instead of teaching the child respect she taught her child that he will get away with disrespecting adults.  Im all for defending your kid if hes innocent but most of the time they arent.

The Unwed Birth rates in the hood is 75% and since it started rising in the early 70s has increased.  These numbers dont reflect unmarried couples who remain together or Co Parent the child, as far as fatherless children go.  Sometimes a child has no father because the man left and chose not to be in the childs life a child may have had a father but lost him to homicide or his father is behind bars.
Children are being taught that its OK to use profanity even before they start school.  The children cant read or write yet but they can cuss like a sailor.
We have abandoned Faith all together replacing God and Church with Love and Hip Hop.  Church is where we learn morals and values.  The kids are learning their morals from Youtube and TV.  Children like adults
Because we have lost our sense of right and wrong for the third generation we are now in a critical stage of our existence. We may not survive as a people.