The Free Store

The Free Store

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How wrong beliefs about Poor people hurts the poor.

Ah the Poverty researchers and so called experts, the bane of existence to poor people.

I don't know why they do a half ass job with research but they need to stop. The Scientific Community and anti poverty folks need to stop this dangerous practice or ask the right questions to participants. We are humans not Guinea pigs.

When it comes to cognitive abilities, poor people miss the mark but no one ever follow up with the same children as adults to see if they improved. Because of their neglect in doing so Poor people are often thought of as dumb. We are not dumb. Poverty is stressful on students because their parents must decide between lights and rent or they don't have adequate food. A stressed out child finds it difficult to learn. Add to that Parental addiction to drugs or alcohol and the children generally find themselves caring for the mother.

When these findings are published the fall out is even worse. They publish this nonsense about cognitive abilities and lay people including teachers think we are dumb because this makes the news the children hear this and think Poor kids are dumb so why bother. Abusive teachers tell poor children they are worthless and despite the fact that parents tell them different those careless remarks from teachers still stick. This explains the drop out rates.

The parents are often portrayed as the villains in these situations and the blame is placed on them. Most of the time poor parents struggle because they often have to choose who gets paid. Thee Utility that is off is one that has the least impact. The parents are not the villains poverty is.

They did research into the neighborhoods where poor people live. Oh happy happy joy joy they managed to bash every adult who lives there are incompetent or lazy. So that means in Braddock, the Fettermans are irresponsible simply because they live here. Way to go scientists you have just ruined peoples life.

Stop with all poverty research you are killing us. Poor people must refuse to participate in most of these because they are deceitful and harmful.
Congress needs to stop having these frauds testify in front of congress if they want the truth about poverty let them call real poor people.
Unless the same children are tested as adults they should be tossed in the trash.

You want to help climate poverty elimate the research into poverty. Why do you not look into the problems of the middle class because they would challenge your findings well guess what I say your research is flawed and you need to try again.

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