The Free Store

The Free Store

Friday, January 5, 2018

Braving the Cold

Today the Mid Atlantic states is going through a deep freeze. Wind Chills are going to drop to between -25 to -30. I work in a group home so I have to catch the bus to work and hope they show up on time.

My friend lives in Maine so she was hit with the Blizzard. I worried about her losing power. I know very well what winter is like without heat.  During the winter of 2008-2009 thanks to a flaw in the way both gas and water lines in North Braddock is the gas and water lines are on every other streon. The houses that held my lines were abdoned and were condemned noone informed me why both my gas service and water was off. I had to call CYF (Child Welfare) and get help. I found out and had to find a place. I found out why in August of 2009. So my children and I spent the entire winter with no gas and water. We bundled up and used space heaters but I ended up loosing the feeling in my pinky permentaly due to Frost Bite.


Lots of poor people have no gas but thanks to Mayor John Fetterman and Peoples gas company joined together to help poor people get their gas service on. I will never forget that winter.

Remember to check on your sick and elderly neighbors to make sure they are warm.

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