The Free Store

The Free Store

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Our Anger Corrodes our Neighborhoods

 Women fighting to get on bus. 

Two of my best middle class friends have been working with me on my anger. 

My best friend pointed out to me that in 2008, I dragged some woman out of Giant Eagle for calling me a Racist. 

"Helen," she said sitting on my couch, "You have to stop punching people. "

I had to chuckle because she had me dead to right. 

My other friend Carol, has been working with me on my temper and trying to get me to stop exploding in anger and cussing people out.

My Pastor, a former Drug Dealer and CRIP, has been dealing with my anger and constant fighting. 

My friend Carol pointed that out to me but I was not ready to receive what she was telling me so I got angry at her or made excuses.

I read my timeline and it is filled with angry statuses mainly from my people in my Community and my family. Their posts read like mine: just angry rants. 

The high Violence and Homicide levels in our community are due to many reasons:  Drugs, Gangs,  and the explosive anger of the people who live in these neighborhoods. We may not be able to do much about the drugs and gangs but we can do something about our anger. 

We have to learn different ways to deal with our anger.  I'm in the process of learning different ways to deal with this anger that is bubbling inside of all of us like lava in a volcano.

I'm going to read my Bible and pray.  I'm also working on educating myself. 

The intense rage  is about our Community,  our men/women, racism, the horrible education we received. 

Despite all the issues we have we have to learn to control the fighting and angry arguments  with each other and figure out a way to heal our anger and begin to heal our Community and each other. 

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