The Free Store

The Free Store

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Culture of Racism and Abuse at Woodland Hills

The recent National Attention of Police Brutality at Woodland Hills has been an issue I have been dealing with since its inception.

I was a Senior in High School on the First Day of school during the 1981/82 school year.  We were greeted by angry white faces trying to overturn the buses.  We needed the National Guard to calm things done.  We were not given sympathy but told tardiness would not be tolerated here.

Later that year I was informed that I would not be permitted to attend the prom because my skin color did not match my boyfriends.

I was called Nigger so much that I started to think that was my name.

The administration ignored threats by the White Turtle Creek students this was foiled by White kids from General Braddock who went to every classroom to inform the black kids that they were suspended.  They walked General Braddock streets to warn the black Community what was going on.

My children, Jamel and Haley,  had issues that resulted in both of them facing charges.

Jamel was 12 and together with a white boy mad a gun out of paper.  The white boy put the electrical tape. My son was the only one charged.

One day when my child was 17 years old the police brought her to my house her face was battered and bruised.  The police said he was assaulted by my child who did not fight.  He had no marks on his face but she was covered in bruises.

They filed charges against her despite of documented cases of decades of abuse.  A crooked Magistrate forced my daughter to drop out of school by threatening to send her to jail.

The judge didn't realize that Haley has an advocate who has a big mouth and who doesn't forget and she lost a position she really wanted and lost her seat.

Now today I wake up to see Woodland Hills on Good Morning America because finally someone had proof of all the abuse. Finally now maybe the abuse of the Woodland Hills school district will be stopped.

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