The Free Store

The Free Store

Friday, July 28, 2017

Shooting up the Community Center

Aleara age 7

Last night I called my daughter to ask her if my granddaughter had a field trip with "the Center". My daughter informed me that the Center is closed because someone shot the Center. I was horrified because my granddaughter is my heart. She is seven and loves to talk but she is also shy with people she doesn't know.

After the initial shock wore off I got angry. None of the children who go there could have any enemies because they are from age 5 until 12. Since the workers all live in the public Housing Community of Hawkins Village no one would have risked the execution that would have happened by the gangs and drug dealers if someone had shot one or more of those babies, which means the intended target was not a worker. So it could have been a young person who can't fight with his/her fists so they took the cowards way out and took shots at their victims and missed. Young people must learn how to lose fights and get up and take the temporary teasing for the day or so until the next fight. They should never get a gun and shoot at the people. Back in my day we faught each other and it was over both people walked away alive to fight another day. Of course we did not have the guns that were every where and  we also had a respect for guns. Yes people in the hood were murdered but not every day.

Every child in the hood knows someone who were murdered some know multiple people including one of their parents especially their fathers. Kids in the hood grow up thinking I'm going to die before I'm 21 and I'm going to be murdered. I felt that way and until I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis, I believed that I would die from homicide.

What saved the kids is all of them know what to do when shots are fired its a part of life in the hood because of all the shootings that happen here.

We have to put the guns down and stop shooting one another. I want my grandchildren to grow up.

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