The Free Store

The Free Store

Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Entire Hood has anger management issues

People who live in the hood have a lot of anger inside of them. I never noticed this until I started being around the Middle Class.   Why is the hood so angry? I find myself asking.

It’s not poverty because there are a lot of poor people who do not have that anger.   I believe it’s because of the violence because I lived in the hood all my life but never have I noticed all this anger before.

My friend Carol once told me that the entire hood had PTSD but I didn’t understand why? “The Trauma is still going on so it can’t be post” I said.

  A friend of hers then explained to me that although the Trauma continued that we were still dependent on the survival coping skills.  It sort of made sense since the violence has lasted so long.

I was born and raised in the Hood and the Hood from my childhood is definitely not the same neighborhood.  As a child, every adult in the neighborhood not only knew my mother but was a good friend to her. This included Braddock as well as North Braddock.  I would be in trouble if I were caught misbehaving and there was not this well Miss So and So was lying because it just led to more problems than the truth did.


Now days if you try to tell someone’s child that they are wrong then you got to fight that Child’s mother. 

“I defend my child. I fights for mines” is a common comment made by parents.  They are not teaching their child to accept responsibility for their bad behavior. 

We have to change our ways all of us have to let go of that anger.   This is the main cause of the High homicide rate in our communities because we have so much anger it boils over.

We are killing and dying in high number, because all over the internet we see fight videos and people are even posting videos of them shooting or murdering someone.  We have Parents fighting the teachers, people fighting each other at work, Parents killing their babies to get revenge on the other parent. 

It’s not even just boys killing or setting up others to be killed, girls are often killing or using sex to set someone up to be killed and generally these girls that set someone up are not prosecuted.

We have a lot of reasons to be angry but we must figure out a way to let go of that anger. I am full of anger just like everyone else but I have learned to get rid of my anger by writing. Punching the keys on a key board is a lot better than punching someone in the throat.   Drawing and painting is a good way to get rid of that anger before it turns into deadly rage. Rapping, Dancing, singing gospels and any other positive activity that will get out of that rage is a lot better than spending life in prison without the possibility of parole.



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