Since Ronald Reagan began to use the term Welfare Queen given to women on welfare, the minds of the middle class are on poor women. The men must have abandoned these welfare Queens so they must keep having these babies to get more money. Lock the dead beat dads up and make them pay is the Conservative view point.
First of all maybe 5% of women on welfare see it as a life long career. Even the 5% of them maybe 1% of them have a bunch of kids.
The majority of women on cash assistance use it as a temporary situation and quickly find employment. They may remain on food stamps and medical assistance for a little bit longer but eventually they are free of Government.
I remember the time I was free from caseworkers losing the paperwork and nosey middle class people looking for steaks in my grocery carts and rude behavior by people who must have issues who are jealous they can't get food stamps. Truth is Middles, we don't care one way or another about what you think or rather you like us or not. However, we do care about our neighbors and peers. Welfare is to be used temporary. You should be on cash no more than five years. Poor women do not tolerate laziness.
I remember the time I was free from caseworkers losing the paperwork and nosey middle class people looking for steaks in my grocery carts and rude behavior by people who must have issues who are jealous they can't get food stamps. Truth is Middles, we don't care one way or another about what you think or rather you like us or not. However, we do care about our neighbors and peers. Welfare is to be used temporary. You should be on cash no more than five years. Poor women do not tolerate laziness.
Where are the fathers? In the child's life. It's an Urban myth that the fathers are gone. He may not be with the mother but he hasn't deserted his child or children. The father's who are not in their Children's lives most of them are dead or in Prison. He may be gone but his family is not so even though he is now longer there his family makes sure the child knows who daddy is or was.
Women with four or more kids are not welfare queens with four baby daddies most of the time they have one dad and are in long term relationships. Not parents work, they are free of government. The other group are women who sleep with and get pregnant by ball players or Rappers for that child support. They are not on welfare either. Their kids may have different dads. The third type are the wives and girlfriends of ball players and Rappers. They are supported by their men.
I was on welfare in the early 80s. I was a young woman of 19 with one child. Got off cash in 1987 and food and medical in 1991. I have six kids three of them are adopted problem is I can't remember which three. Their mother was my oldest friend and she stopped providing care so I took them in. I remained free of government until 2010 when I became ill. I was never a welfare Queen.
Cash assistance in PA last received a raise when Ronald Reagan was in his first term in 1982. You receive $316 a month with one child and $98 with each additional child. Anyone who thinks this is an incentive to have more children has issues.
You want to scream about welfare how about you hold the programs that Taxpayers pay for do what they are supposed to give young mothers skills that help them get jobs like Resumes, and interviewing skills but in reality they are baby sitting adults. You are paying for not only the Program but also Child Care and Transportation. Hold these people accountable.
There really is no such thing as welfare queens because who can afford that.
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