The Free Store

The Free Store

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Democrats and Republicians acting like Bloods and Crips

Today as I watched in horror as some Political nut job shot a Senior Republican Congressman.  I also watched several friends react with threats and anger at all Democrats.

  I really didn't see much of a difference between so called Normal Americans who act just like people in the Hood after a family member or friend is murdered. They react in violence.  Yes it's the US VS THEM mentality.  

The Truth is Gabby Gifford's was shot by a Crazy person who identified as a Republican. Rep Scalace was shot by a person who identified as a Socialist.  

I hear people shout things like "all Liberals should be shot because they are Un American"
All Conservatives deserve violence because they have violent ideas." Both said to their Perspective groups that get them likes on Social media but to me is fuel to the fire. 

Do you know what the Congressional members of the Republican caucus did when Gifford was shot.  They cried and prayed.  They were outraged.  Today the Democratic members of Congress cried and prayed.  Most were at another ball field huddled together. My Representative Mike Doyle said they felt helpless and wanted to protect their fellow Congressmen.  Despite their Political Jabs they are friends. 

To many people can't agree to disagree without violence or anger. I am guilty of it myself. 

I understand the Hood they have reasons to be angry and they have the right to be angry at BOTH parties for bad policies that put us in the position we are in. We take it out on each other. People die every day because of anger.  

We are working with our young people teaching them that words DO NOT kill you and it's not worth killing for and going to Prison. It's very hard to do when they see Political people act the same way. What do you have to be angry about? Why can't you just get along? You can't talk about us unless you learn to control your anger.  Both Liberals and Conservatives do it.  

Maybe everyone should take a page out of people who serve in Congress and love each other. 

My heart goes out to everyone shot today but NOT for the shooter.  

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