The Free Store

The Free Store

Friday, June 9, 2017

Just Another Day in The Hood

people attending a funeral

Today on my way to church, I was walking through the Hood.  

First I walk by three drunks stumbling out of the bar.  Talking real loud and singing.  Young people were sitting outside smoking weed with their music blasting. Couples were fighting about cheating and baby daddy's and baby Mama's. Because this happens every day, I do not pay attention. 

I could see the local funeral home and because of the number of youth I know it was someone young. I search my mind and remembered earlier this week a 26 year old Jitney driver was murdered. The tee shirts worn by the family and friends that bear the name of the deceased and the Sunrise and Sunset. I felt sad for the family,  his child who is only a toddler, and for our whole Community  This is something we can never pretend it's nothing just being hood.  This can never become normal but sadly it has. 

Fist fight 

The teenagers outside and even inside of the Church want to fight each other.  Women fist fighting over kids.  No one sees that one leads to another.  What starts as a fight ends up with the funeral of one and Life in Prison for the other. It's a lose lose situation for us as a people. 

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