The Free Store

The Free Store

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Can't we all get along?

I live in the hood, which is very violent.  I like to keep politics off my page but I am going to make an exception because of all the foolishness going on. I am talking about the NFL and the Taking a knee during the National Anthem and the ignorance one side of the aisle has due to this issue.  Now of course, not all Conservatives are bone heads who seem to always protest anything that they perceive has to do with the other side believes. What they fail to understand or just don't care that a lot of Conservatives were and still on the side of the knee benders. What they also fail to understand is in this country we have the right to peacefully protest.  That's right we all have the right to protest.  So of course the President became involved and because the man lacks social skills and is a bigot he began requesting that team owners began firing the Football players. Now if we were talking about tennis or NASCAR I might have remained silent but since you decided to go after the NFL, most of whom, are from the hood then I have to speak up. Conservatives are quick to tell the NFL players what to do with their money because they are not from the hood so they wouldn't know that often times these players support their entire neighborhoods not just their families. I suggest the Conservatives that say this. Put their money where their mouth is or sit down somewhere.

I have both Democrats and Republican friends on fb and personally I identify as Non Partisan because I find that most Political people are a little dense when it comes to their parties and usually never take the time to listen to others or respect another person's point of view. Neither the Left nor the Right are respectful to the other and both seem to enjoy calling each other horrible names this makes us look silly to the rest of the world no matter what they tell us.

During last season at the height of the Police Brutality scandals, Colin Kaepernick decided he needed to take a stand or actually a knee during the National Anthem.  This made the Conservatives, who by the way Protested every time President Obama opened up his mouth , very upset because they seem to be ignorant about what this Country stands for. They put pressure of the NFL owners who refused to sign the trouble maker.  This led to a lot of African American men boycotting the NFL, which I didn't agree with we do not know why they didn't hire him. Of course the Conservatives began to defend the NFL again I am not sure why they did this. This was not going anywhere the NFL lost some people but still other players were taking the knee.

This prompted the President to tweet "The NFL owners need to fire any Son of a bitch who disrespects our flag and our country." I guess he didn't understand that no one likes to have their mother called a bitch and many became offended. This prompted every player, coach, and owner to take a knee or refuse to come out until after the anthem like before 2009.
 Well guess someone should have told the imbecile that President's are supposed to keep their mouth shut and their opinions to themselves unless it is about politics.  He doesn't understand the power and position of the President. The President is supposed to be able to unite the Country not further divide it. Guess what happened next the entire Country were to busy fighting over this nonsense instead of dealing with a Major hurricane in Puerto Rico. The President didn't seem to know that Puerto Rico is part of the United States and he is their President too.  Yet he and his supporters do not understand why minorities do not like him and think he is a racist.

The Pronoun "our" to a lot of people in the African American communities when people say "our" flag do not feel included in OUR because that flag permitted slavery at one time. That flag said "your three fifths of a human being in our eyes.  That flag said "your only a slave here not a citizen with any rights.  Little kids had that flag ripped out of their hands during the 50s by adult whites because they were not citizens.  So not everyone has warm fuzzy feelings about that flag because this country hasn't always been good to minorities not just African American but all people of color and truth be told to Poor Whites who also suffer discrimination.

This is the same President who defended the White Neo Nazis in Charlottesville VA and insulted the Klan Protestors. This is the same man who wants the hood to love him but then insults us at every turn.  This is a man who wants us to give him a chance and maybe he would but he is to busy being an out of touch, divisive, racist who only wants to create division and not bring us together. The man doesn't love his own party members because he is to busy insulting them.

What the President and anti Protestors do not understand is that what is so special about this Country is our freedoms. I have never in my life heard someone who went to fight for our country say "I'm fighting for our flag or I'm fighting for our Anthem (which also celebrates slavery) but I do hear them saying "I'm fighting for our freedoms." The most important is the First Amendment which says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[     

I wonder if the President and the butt hurt people know that the right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Maybe if they understood that then maybe calls to run over Protestors with cars will stop. Maybe calls for people to leave this country for disagreeing with the President or Congress will stop. 

I am just tired of all the nonsense man if everyone got this riled up over the violence in the hood we will be cooking with gas.

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