The Free Store

The Free Store

Thursday, September 7, 2017

What about the poor?

"But what about the poor?" Pundits of both political parties shout. "Our side is right on the issue. Your side hates the poor because you believe that"

Today it's illegal Immigrants the right insist that they take jobs from the poor. They insist that poor Americans need those jobs that poor Mexicans end up in. Never mind the fact that poor Americans cannot or will not take those jobs because they have to move from place to place and the pay is lousy.  When I hear a person make this statement, mostly middle class, I ask them when they are going to go to the fields of America to plant and harvest the fruits and vegetables. They look at me and say "I can't afford to take those jobs they are not enough money."
"I can't afford those jobs either" I say.

The next suggestion is slave labor, or using Prisoners to do this job. The Republicans know that if they do this they will never stop being known as the racist party.   They know to use majority poor people as slave labor hurts them. Do they ship these Prisoners from different states? The Republicans are now known as the anti poor racist party.  Poor people do not want Prisoners being exploited not when people were willing to do that job.

During the 90s Bill Clinton and the Republicans came up with welfare reform. They both were called Anti poor and racist. Hillary Clinton suffered because of this. Poor people were not upset and instead of this law hurting poor people it helped them. We were no longer trapped on welfare. We no longer had to sneak off by getting jobs. The laws before were devasting to the poor. They lost everything and many were afraid to get jobs. Today you are encouraged to work and they help you receive some food stamps. Because, we now work we are not stuck in Public Housing we can live in private housing.

The minimum wage needs to be raised but not $15 an hour. That is to much and it will hurt businesses like McDonalds. Minimum wage can start at $8 then raised again to $9.25 then $10.

Despite what Democrats and Liberals say you can be lifted out of poverty on $10 and $12 an hour. To little of a minimal wage and you still have to pay for food stamps. To much of a raise and the jobs go away which causes more poverty.

Cutting Food stamps and Medicaid to poor people is never a good idea. People who equate this bad idea with welfare reform are misinformed. Tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations are foolish and they hurt the poor. I am much more compassionate about middle class tax cuts. I just don't believe that they should come at the expense of poor people who will go hungry.  Now when it comes to welfare if the Politicians would ask welfare and former welfare receipents about the so called training programs that are basically babysitting adults taxpayers are paying for bad programs but childcare for children. Make sure the program offers real training. Conservatives always are talking about teaching people how to fish.

The poor have enough problems being poor they don't need to continue being political footballs. We are not puppets on the string our struggles are real.

Believe what you want just don't use the poor to justify your belief.

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