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Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Hood Protests the Media ignores

"But what about black on black crime?" Is often the question some white folks ask after a black person is killed by the police as a way to deflect from another cop shooting.  That is not helping your cause.

First of all I hate the term black on black crime because you never talk about white on white crime when a white person kills another white person.  I prefer Urban Violence.

What I'm tired of is everyone sees all these people Protesting the police brutality but they do not see us Protesting Urban Violence. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It not only happens it happens far more often only the media ignores it.  The media doesn't care about protests here.  Why? Is it because these protests have no violence. Some times it includes shout outs; which mean we shout at murderers and drug dealers. We can't show black people yelling at black people. The media showed up once after the Wilkinsburg shooting and that was because that was a major story. Sadly on local networks showed it. No one cared about that.

Another reason we are ignored is because we are not Protesting the police in fact we are encouraging people to cooperate with the police. We are not angry with the police so the media doesn't care.

We are angry though just not at the police. We are angry at kids with guns shooting up da hood. We are angry because of the no snitches are denying our families justice. We are angry at all the people murdered in our community.
I guess that isn't the kind of story National and in most cases the local media.

The media has always ignored the ghetto as long as we ain't rioting and destroying property they pretty much ignore it. That says to us they care more about property than they do for human life. This comes from an industry that has a moto if it bleeds it leads.

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