The Free Store

The Free Store

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Where is our grief Counseling and where is Black Lives Matter?

This morning, on his Facebook page, my nephew tagged his friends begging them to be safe because he doesn't want to lose anymore friends.  He's 16 years old. No 16 year old should ever have to beg his friends to be careful out there.

My Hood lost two teenagers and a 24 year old young man to homicide. Not one but three people yet we haven't heard a peep out of Black Lives Matter nor has anyone offered to give our Community grief counseling. Do they think it's so normal here that we don't need it? As for Black Lives Matter, I'm going to need for them to either start giving a damn about all black lives or change their name. They claim to think black lives matter but they don't get involved unless whites and cops are doing the killing well guess what BLM the majority of black men are killed by other black men. Do you really think to the families and Communities that lose young black men every day care that these young lives were stolen by black men? They don't. They want Justice not a group who hate the police so much that they actually tell black people not to cooperate with the police. That's because like the White Middle Class, BLM, gun violence is not something they deal with daily. I understand that but unlike Whites they deny that black men kill other black men. Well guess what it happens and I'm gonna need you to either care or change your name.

The last time BLM showed up in the hood was to protest the Klan. We have had several protests in the hood to protest the genocide going on in the hood. They get online and create cute little hash tags like #sayhername and many others but they don't even try to learn the names of people killed here.

As for mental health counsling, we never get offered that. Why not? One of my dear White Middle Class female friends pointed out that the entire hood suffers from PTSD. If a white middle class woman who lives in Maine knows this why doesn't the Professional Mental Health facilities think the Community needs to heal. Are we super human that multiple homicides leave no psychological scars. Are we so strong that no one thinks we may suffer from PTSD. We are not Superhuman and we are angry, sad, and confused. We hurt just like the people in Las Vegas, New York or any other city that suffers major loss of life. The only difference is for us this is a 32 year nightmare that seems like it will never end.

To the Hood, we have to continue to love and care about each other because it seems no one else does. #onehoodoneloveuse

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