The Free Store

The Free Store

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How wrong beliefs about Poor people hurts the poor.

Ah the Poverty researchers and so called experts, the bane of existence to poor people.

I don't know why they do a half ass job with research but they need to stop. The Scientific Community and anti poverty folks need to stop this dangerous practice or ask the right questions to participants. We are humans not Guinea pigs.

When it comes to cognitive abilities, poor people miss the mark but no one ever follow up with the same children as adults to see if they improved. Because of their neglect in doing so Poor people are often thought of as dumb. We are not dumb. Poverty is stressful on students because their parents must decide between lights and rent or they don't have adequate food. A stressed out child finds it difficult to learn. Add to that Parental addiction to drugs or alcohol and the children generally find themselves caring for the mother.

When these findings are published the fall out is even worse. They publish this nonsense about cognitive abilities and lay people including teachers think we are dumb because this makes the news the children hear this and think Poor kids are dumb so why bother. Abusive teachers tell poor children they are worthless and despite the fact that parents tell them different those careless remarks from teachers still stick. This explains the drop out rates.

The parents are often portrayed as the villains in these situations and the blame is placed on them. Most of the time poor parents struggle because they often have to choose who gets paid. Thee Utility that is off is one that has the least impact. The parents are not the villains poverty is.

They did research into the neighborhoods where poor people live. Oh happy happy joy joy they managed to bash every adult who lives there are incompetent or lazy. So that means in Braddock, the Fettermans are irresponsible simply because they live here. Way to go scientists you have just ruined peoples life.

Stop with all poverty research you are killing us. Poor people must refuse to participate in most of these because they are deceitful and harmful.
Congress needs to stop having these frauds testify in front of congress if they want the truth about poverty let them call real poor people.
Unless the same children are tested as adults they should be tossed in the trash.

You want to help climate poverty elimate the research into poverty. Why do you not look into the problems of the middle class because they would challenge your findings well guess what I say your research is flawed and you need to try again.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Research into Poverty and Eliminating Poverty

A big topic of the last campaign was elimating income inequality ( a feel good term replacing Poverty). You cannot get rid of poverty its not going anywhere. Not one Country on Earth has gotten rid of poverty no matter how hard they try. Its not gonna happen because life isn't fair some people have money and some people don't. Poor people are not sad people with hard lives. We are not pitiful creatures who must be saved. We do not want the Government to take care of us, we want jobs to take care of ourselves.

I am researching Poverty and the effects of poverty. Most of what I found were incomplete because it followed children. The adults weren't separated in groups such as Urban Poor or Rural Poor. How does the Red Neck and the Hood Rat differ? They don't follow the children tested to see if most kids who lived in poverty got out and what percentage stayed.

The study I read talk about lower cognitive skills and education. The rates of Learning Disabilities were increased in children born into poverty. Yet they couldn't tell you why. To bad none of them thought to ask the parents of the children if they knew why.  Poverty a produces Food Emergencies and when you are hungry you can't learn. Yes the kids have free lunch and for the children in grades K through 8 have breakfast and they help but the children know they may not have dinner unless their parents could get to a food bank or help from other poor people. Poor children worry about financial problems of the household because besides hunger utilities are often off. The electricity being off means they must get dressed in the dark. The water being off means they must get water (mainly older kids) they must carry heavy jugs from their friends or family until the bills can be paid and services restored. Having Gas off in the winter means they are cold even with electric heat its cold. Stressed children have difficulty learning.

The problem no one wants to talk about is the public schools that serve poor kids.  Some teachers hate poor children they may be dirty, hungry, and they never have school supplies. The teacher may wish she had students who didn't have so many problems. Maybe they don't want to waste their times on "dumb" children. Most teachers are frustrated because they know the parents can't afford things like pencils and the School Board will not purchase pencils. This leaves the teacher themselves to purchase teachers and papers. This is beginning to change and both Churches and Non Profits are having book bag give aways. Its a wonderful thing for children and their parents. Children are embarrassed when they don't have money.

The requirement of Uniforms is another problem because of the expense. Uniforms should never be required at any public school because parents can't afford them. Schools that require them have truency problems. This ends up with the parents ending up in jail. The kids miss because the one uniform ends up dirty. Kids skip because no one wants to be laughed at.

When you have issues like this your study on cognitive abilities make sense. Its the Poverty issues stupid to quote Bill Clinton.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Be My Voice Aunty Be the Voice of the Hood.

I have mentioned before that my nephew is currently incarcerated in the Allegheny County Jail awaiting an appeal. He wrote me and I wrote him back.

I have used social media to talk about the hood since 2008. I mainly am on facebook and my followers tend to be middle class women of all races and both political parties. Our issues deserve to be heard by both Liberals and Conservatives. We are dying and being locked up and it's time people hear our voices.

I received his letter last Saturday and was so excited. What he wrote me made me cry. His mother, my sister, told him what I have been doing and that I was speaking to middle class friends were listening. He said that he likes that and maybe one day maybe a movement will started to really deal with the issues that affects the hood. He  said "Be my voice Aunty." he wrote that several times. That made me cry. I will never stop telling people about what it's like living in the hood. I will never stop telling people the truth about Poverty.
This just inspires me more.

The people who made mistakes in their youth should be able to pay for their mistakes not pay for them forever.

The plea bargain system needs to be fixed or get rid of it. Mandatory sentencing removes the judges discretion.
Non violent drug offenses should do their time based on the sseveraly security of the drug. However, Drs writing illegal prescriptions for prophet should receive the longest sentence. Opiates are the worst. Laws like Three Strikes your out laws or any drug laws that sentence people for selling drugs to more time than Homicide is a broken system.

It may be poor white folks living in a Trailer park or a poor black or Latino living from the Projects today but tomorrow it may be your loved one. Especially if you know they are innocent.

I will be your voice nephew. I will fight for you.

Friday, August 25, 2017

The KKK and White Supremists threaten to March on the Hood. Note to Nazis and Anti Nazis you are guests

On August 19, 2017 the Klan decided to March on the Hoods of Pittsburgh. The organizers wanted to march on Google but in Pittsburgh that is in the Gentrified part of Larimer. Two blocks in every direction you are in the ghetto.

The anti Klan people like Anifa and Black Lives Matter people were planning a counter protest.  The hood didn't want outsiders being Violent in our Community.

The people in da hood took to Social Media and explained to Outsiders, yes Black Lives Matter, are outsiders as most if not all never lived in the ghetto a day in their lives.

To the KKK we are going to be nice and let you know that Google is located inside the hood. Don't let the nice pictures of Gentrification fool you. You are surrounded by several Hoods and as violent as you think you are we have you beat.
Now we don't know nor do we care why you are protesting Google but we are warning you to keep it non violent.

The Counter Protesters were told the same thing at a meeting. They were told that anyone punching and hitting the Nazis we would allow the Klan to beat their asses. They were also warned against property damage which would not be tolerated.

I do not know why either of these two sides want to bring their mess to the hood but when you visit our home behave yourselves. We see enough violence in our lives we don't want nor need more. We are tired of people setting fires in our neighborhoods and leaving.

We don't like the KKK and Nazis but they have the right to March or protest as long they understand that if you don't want none won't be none. That means that if you don't want to get your ass kicked don't start a fight.

We feel some kind of a way about people who organize these large protests about the Klan but they never March to rid the hood of Drugs, illegal guns and violent crime. We also don't appreciate the attitudes of the BLM Activists about the hood. Again protest all you want but if you punch, hit, or commit an assault you are on your own. BLM are non violent but Antifa is not. They want to be protected keep it peaceful because if you start violence in our hoods we will finish it and neither side will be happy.

Protest all you want but remember your manners or deal with us.

The KKK canceled their rally and the other two groups were peaceful. Of course they didn't have anyone to counter protest.

The Hood held its on event we turned what was supposed to be a rally for hate into a rally for self love and if that is needed any where it would be here.

You Never Know?

Billy and Sharlene 

I haven't written in a while because Life kept happening like my boss says. Besides Trinity being born, work, my health, and the loss of my youngest Sister's best friends since childhood passed away at the age of 44. He had a massive stroke and was brain dead. He died on the 19th.

Death was very busy that day. My friend and teacher Carol Douglas lost a very good friend from Cancer.  Jerry Lewis and Civil Rights ICON Dick Gregory passed that day too. I was heartbroken for my sister who was his best friend. It's unusual for males and females to remain best friends throughout adulthood but Sharlene and Billy remained best friends.

My heart also ached for my friend Carol I knew she would be heart broken because she was on a business trip and not due to leave until today. Carol had to put on a happy face when she felt so sad. She's an artist but my guess is no one wants to see a crying artist regardless of reason. The only thing I could do was check on her.

Billy's death was unexpected and a shock to the system. It's different here where death is usually unexpected because of Homicide. A massive stroke at age 44. I was stunned and could not cry until days later. I hid mine too. I was, however, cranky. My granddaughter Aleara age 7 kept asking me if I were angry. I had to sit her down and tell her I was sad.

Billy was born in Braddock into poverty. Impoverished people do not have the best diets due to the fact that the healthiest food is also the most expensive. We eat to much fried chicken or Subs. Death tends to take us sooner. Banning Soda will not work on food stamps since most people who get food stamps HAVE jobs despite what judgemental people say. Most people receive a small amount of stamps and must spend on meat as well as fruits and vegetables. I still don't understand why people look in people's cart. One nut job decided to look in mine and tried to berate me for pop. I am loud and ghetto that means I am loud. I kept asking her about why she had tampoons in her buggy didn't she know they weren't healthy and she should wear pads. I also called out condoms and the size of her underwear. She stormed off red faced. The poor women cheered because they understand the humiliation of rude people lecturing them for whatever reason. If you engage people in this way you are not a Christian because you would do it to Christ do not forget the Least of me lesson from Christ.

Food stamps aside, health food is to expensive and when you have to feed your family healthy food doesn't allow you to have enough to eat for the month. So we buy veggies from the can or frozen. We also hit up the Farmers market.

Billy's death also made me realize that my own death is coming soon. People with Sarcoidosis doesn't live long and the death rate is high. I often ask Why am I still here. I survived the streets, cancer, and I am still battling Sarcoidosis.

You never know when it's your time to go don't take life for granted. You never know when your gonna die.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

You live in Braddock? I'm afraid of Braddock its full of Crime.

All my life I have heard this statement all my life.
"You live in Braddock?" They would say with a shocked look on their face. " I'm afraid of Braddock because of the crime rate." They will then clutch their purse like I'm going to steal it. I'm not a criminal despite where I live.

First of all I love where I live its the only Zip Code I remember. I am one of those people who think we should make 15104 a better place by staying here and doing our part.

Most of the people who live in Braddock aren't criminals. The crimes are generally committed by addiction. A stint in Rehab will cure that. The majority of people are hard working poor people. We are also well known for changing the World. We sued the Commonwealth of PA and HUD we won both. We stood up to the Federal Government under that scrondral George Washington who wanted to tax whiskey. You know that as the Whiskey Rebellion. George Washington was here in 1755 as a Colonol in the British army. They lost the Battle and General Edward Braddock was shot here.

AWe have played a big part of history in the United States; we would not be the Super power we are if Andrew Cargnie hadn't of built his first Steel mill in Braddock along side the Monaghelia River. It soon became the Richest Bourough in Allegheny County.  Although, we had a large population of the Wealthy we also had a lot of impoverished and middle class people. Andrew Carnegie insisted that his employees live in 15104.

I grew up in the 70s when the decline began. I do not remember the movie theatres but I remembers the grocery stores and the Bakery. I loved growing up where the adults looked after all the children.  You couldn't misbehave in Braddock without your parents knowing. Unlike today, if an adult told on you parents believed you.

Now the Fettermans have come and has gotten attention and showed a love for our town. They are building it back up but a lot of people are still afraid to come here because of the crime rate. Despite the decrease in violent crime and even non violent crime Braddock still cannot overcome our reputation. That's your loss. Braddock is a wonderful place with good people.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Trinity has arrived

This Tuesday, I was just relaxing because my body was screaming to just chill, thanks to Sarcoidosis, this happens a lot. My daughter came from the work program at 3 PM. She stated
"Mom I'm in labor. " she didn't want to believe it so she drank some as apple juice and sat down. Ten minutes later she knew they weren't going anywhere I called 911. She left the house by ambulance at 3:20 PM.

I needed to pick up her oldest daughter from Daycare. Miss Pam, my Pastors mom and someone I knew since I was a kid. She worked with my dad, picked me up to pick up the baby. Sarcoidosis, limits my mobility to two blocks. The daycare is six blocks away. I got home at 4 and made my granddaughter dinner. I got a message on messenger from Shawntaya telling me the baby was born. I didn't have any other information.

Turned out the baby was born at 4:21 PM and in Triage. Her second baby that was delivered by nurses. "I went Natural" she announced to me. "Text Haley and tell her this."

I held my new granddaughter and called her my Lil Chocolate drop. I was wondered how come she got her color so quick. My older grandchild, who is two did not know what going on or why everyone kept asking her if this was her sister. She kept saying no. She is still in denial about the tiny little person is.

Trinity was conceived when I was in the hospital and when both my daughter and I were under tremendous stress. We found out about her in the hotel during pregnancy. My daughter thought about abortion but I gave her the lecture about life. She knows this and of course chose to have the baby. She never regretted it and it has taught her that she needs to face her problems.

I'm so glad that Trinity is here we waited a long time. Dayla will  grow to love her.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I got much love for Girls in da hood

Women in the hood are insulted by people, both Black and White people alike. Women do most of the insulting. We are called Ghetto and Hood Rats. This is seen as something negative and people use these insults are hurled with either laughter or disquest. I'm proud to be from Da Hood its a big part of who I am. I said that once last year online on a post about Urban Violence not getting the attention it deserved. One member of Black Lives Matter, lectured me a 52 year old woman about being proud of being from the hood. When I asked that woman her age she told me she was 22. I quickly scolded the girl and told her no matter how many years she went to school she will never have as much knowledge as me until she catches up to me. Other ghetto women took my side which made the young woman angry.
"Your embarrassing us as a people because your loud and uneducated. White people look at all of us."
"This is OUR story we are commenting on not yours." We informed her. "Your black but we are not your people." One woman wrote.

We are loud, we cuss like Sailors and we fight a lot. We are also loving people who do not look at race or social class. We see a hurting person as just that a hurting person who may need an ear or a hug we understand hurting because it is a part of our lives. I have people from the middle class tell me that they feel they can talk to me because I don't judge and they believe it won't be told toanyone else. They were correct I won't judge I have seen a lot of horrible things and I have made mistakes. Why would I hold the mistakes of others against them.

I am proud of all the struggles I have overcome in my life. Violent sexual abuse, getting into trouble, and growing up and living in poverty that ranged from damn near middle class to extreme zero income. I also have a joy for life because I understand that death can happen. My sisters in the hood who are black, white, and brown we are all similar. We have brains even if we do not have an education. We are strong because we have to be. Our children and men depend on our strength. Our entire community depends on our determination to change things in our communities and we face racism, sexism, and classism. We are insulted and told to change our ways despite the fact that our way is the only way we know. We are seen as these uncouth women who must be Hos even though I have been celebrate since 2004; people still assume I'm sexually active and a slut. I gave up drinking in 91 but I must be a drunk or an addict. I have never gambled in my life but people assume I buy lottery tickets. It seems to me that people can't look past the cussing and fussing and see the patience I show my Consumers and Co workers. They can't look behind the rough exterior and see the kind hearted woman I am as well. Yes I'm a ghetto Hood Rat and instead of insults to me and women like me try giving us the respect we deserve.