The Free Store

The Free Store

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Where is our grief Counseling and where is Black Lives Matter?

This morning, on his Facebook page, my nephew tagged his friends begging them to be safe because he doesn't want to lose anymore friends.  He's 16 years old. No 16 year old should ever have to beg his friends to be careful out there.

My Hood lost two teenagers and a 24 year old young man to homicide. Not one but three people yet we haven't heard a peep out of Black Lives Matter nor has anyone offered to give our Community grief counseling. Do they think it's so normal here that we don't need it? As for Black Lives Matter, I'm going to need for them to either start giving a damn about all black lives or change their name. They claim to think black lives matter but they don't get involved unless whites and cops are doing the killing well guess what BLM the majority of black men are killed by other black men. Do you really think to the families and Communities that lose young black men every day care that these young lives were stolen by black men? They don't. They want Justice not a group who hate the police so much that they actually tell black people not to cooperate with the police. That's because like the White Middle Class, BLM, gun violence is not something they deal with daily. I understand that but unlike Whites they deny that black men kill other black men. Well guess what it happens and I'm gonna need you to either care or change your name.

The last time BLM showed up in the hood was to protest the Klan. We have had several protests in the hood to protest the genocide going on in the hood. They get online and create cute little hash tags like #sayhername and many others but they don't even try to learn the names of people killed here.

As for mental health counsling, we never get offered that. Why not? One of my dear White Middle Class female friends pointed out that the entire hood suffers from PTSD. If a white middle class woman who lives in Maine knows this why doesn't the Professional Mental Health facilities think the Community needs to heal. Are we super human that multiple homicides leave no psychological scars. Are we so strong that no one thinks we may suffer from PTSD. We are not Superhuman and we are angry, sad, and confused. We hurt just like the people in Las Vegas, New York or any other city that suffers major loss of life. The only difference is for us this is a 32 year nightmare that seems like it will never end.

To the Hood, we have to continue to love and care about each other because it seems no one else does. #onehoodoneloveuse

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Three Children shot in one night two different shootings.

This weekend in Pittsburgh was violent. On Friday night two little girls, aged 10 and 3 years old were shot in the Hill District. The 3 year old was shot in her arm and the 10 year old in her leg.
About 5 miles away in Lincoln Lemmington a 14 year old was shot in the head. He passed away last night. He was from my hood.

On Saturday night a 24 year old man was shot in Homewood. He was from East Pittsburgh.

I write RWG (Rest with God) and RIP so much that every time I type capitial R those words show up on the phone.

This is from the City which over covered the death of a dog for two weeks the police shot an unarmed black man to death because he dared to defend himself from a biting dog.  Yes he was a Police Dog but what that said to black folks is they value the life of a dog more than a human being. I've hated dogs ever since. No wonder we don't value our own lives when you learn that your life is considered less valuable than a dog.

We don't know what occurred before these young people got shot. The media will never cover an hour by hour man hunt like they did for the Cop who were murdered. So many people have died in this City but the only manhunt for the murder of someone from the Hood was the Wilkinsburg Mass Shooting. It took a brutal murder to warrant the same attention that the middle class get.

We don't even get respect from Black Lives Matter because they refuse to admit that black men murder each other. They actually believe that random whites are shooting random black people. Our black lives doesn't even matter to a group called Black Lives Matter.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Why the Hood should stop worrying about Reality Show

Ask most people in the Hood who their Representatives are both in the Federal and state congress. Most of the young people and some of the older people will tell you no; but ask them who is on Love and Hip Hop, Housewives of Atlanta, or Keeping up with the Kardashians they can tell you who, what, when, and where. We have to stop worrying about giving these wealthy people our time especially since they can't do a damn thing to help us. However, your state and US Representative; a person who represents your interests in Congress are ignored in our Community. When there issue that we care about you need to call your Rep and tell him to vote Yes or No on that issue. You need to do this because people who disagree with you will. You can't claim racism if you didn't do something so easy to tell your Rep how to feel.

We spend so much time watching rich black women fight each other and having sex with married men; or we watch the Kardashions fight and sleep around. This is devastating to our Community. We have enough problems without watching this immoral nonesense. Our young ladies are beginning to think that sleeping around will get you rich. It doesn't it makes you a mother or gives you an STD. You could decide to terminate your pregnancy if you can afford it but with the high homicide rates we need every baby who can make it or we will be wiped out as a people.

We need to work together and bring back both Political Power and Morality back into our Communities. Teach our girls that they need to stop the fighting and sleeping around. We need to get back to God. Yes and we have to start getting married.

We complain about the lack of Political Power in our Community, but it will remain that way until we vote in every election and to communicate with your Representative, Senator, Governor or President. This is why we have to become involved. I always tell the young people that we must vote like Barack Obama is on the ballot every time.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Turning Your Life Around

There's a saying in the hood that many former Drug Dealers, hustler, and former addicts know there is a God because No one can protect them from themselves like God can.

When your use to nothing but negativity in your life its hard to notice the positive. When someone wants to do something for you, in the back of your mind you are thinking what do they want? Its hard to trust folks when for the majority of your life ripped you off or used you. Now of course you could trust your Homeboys and Girls. They went through the struggles. We may left our former lives but we have not given up the lifestyle. I wore men's sweats and hoodies until four years ago. I was 53 years old when I stopped fighting. We have already taught the next generations and because we think its normal we do not know.

I was lucky this year that someone thought I was worth investing in me. It wasn't easy on her because I fought her every step of the way. Finally one day I decided that I would just shut up and listen. Some of the things she taught but her points were exploring.

She is helping me on two fronts my walk with Christ and helping me become Financial literacy. My anger is not so bad this year compared to last year and I'm not cussing as much.

Sometimes the best thing to do with a broken person is show them Gods love.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Braddock's Mayor runs for Lt Governor of Pennsyvania

Today the mayor of Braddock announced he would be running for the Lt Governor of PA. I was there because he is good for the Hood. He understands what our needs are because he lives here in the poorest zip code in the United States. A town the New York Times called Hell. A town that people who live in Allegheny County are terrified to come and visit.

Mayor John as we locals call him knows what its like driving around Braddock and North Braddock in twenty below getting peoples gas on. He works with the gas company.

His wife Gisele runs The Free Store, it is what it says it is. Its a store where everything is free. She is a friendly person who is very helpful to the hood.

John worked with the youth and saved a lot of young men and women from ending up dead or in Prison. He helped them get their GED and get jobs with Amercorps. My nephew and neices all were saved by Amercorps.

I have personally tangled with Mayor John and he showed me and the Community that he does listen to us.

I supported John through Mayor, US Senator and now Lt Governor of PA. To the Hoods of PA he's the only politician running in a state wide election who understands what's its like living in the Hood. We need to vote in the Primary and support him.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

What the Hood need is a respect for Education and Adult Education

What the Hood need is to stop discouraging our children from learning and since a good many adults have basic skills in both math and English, Reading, and writing.

I didn't realize my basic skills were as bad as they were until my friend told me. She began to tutor me in basic math skills. She taught me Multiplication and Division tables. She also gave me vocabulary words to learn. I surprised myself I found myself studying. After years of pretending I didn't have any issues. I had to admit that I lacked basic skills.  I am not alone either but a lot of people who live in the hood, due to either Teachers refusing to educate or parents who didn't like all that learning. The people who talk about "talking White" describing a person speaking proper English. Children are capable of learning both Ebonics and English teach him/her the time and place for each. As for the teachers its our job as parents to advocate for our kids. We have to let the teachers know that we expect them to do their jobs and educate our children.  It is very important that we be able to back up our children by teaching our babies ourselves. We need to make sure we have basic skills in both math and Laungage Arts. If our skills are lacking then we must obtain them. I was humaniliated when I admitted to my friend how poor my skills were. I have nothing to be ashamed of but I needed to acquire those skills. I still have a way to go in Math but my vocabulary which was poor in February this year has drastractly improved.

We have to not only speak English we must also learn grammar. Unless we learn what pronouns to use with what verbs and the correct tense then we will continue to work in low paying jobs with no chance for advancement.

We need to pay close attention to what is going on in schools. We need to volunteer if we can so we can know what goes on and what your kids are learning about so we can help our children.

We have to stop being so afraid of our babies leaving the hood that we bash being smart and make fun of them. The smart kids need to be encouraged and when its time for them to go to college help them get student loans and grants. Teach them to come back and teach the others and help their community.

We will never excape poverty if we lack basic skills.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Its Time for Us as a people to make some Changes

I was listening to Tupac's Changes last night. Anyone who knows me knows I love Tupac. Tupac was a rapper and film star back in the late 80s early 90s. He was murdered at the age of 25 shot to death on a Las Vegas street. His homicide remains unsolved.

In the rap Changes Tupac says "We have to change the way we live. We have to change the way we eat and change the way we treat each other" He's right we do have to change our ways. We have to decide rather we change or die. Its that simple. This is a list of changes we need to make.

1. Adults we were poorly educated and as messed up as that is we have to step up and fix it. We are not stupid we are smart we are not educated. That is what we need to change. We need to change that. We need to be able to pick up the job for our kids and grandkids.  We will continue to give off negative emotions. We have to stop making fun of the Bougsies for "talking white" its speaking English. We do not want to discourage our babies from learning. We need to learn the basic skills to teach the next generations.

2 Two parent families. I did not say marriage but if you are Christian get married. I don't care how its done let's do it. My friend Jen and her husband Donald were living together and raising their kids together. Marriage came on July 17, 2016. Their kids grew up in a two parent home. I love Jen I was glad she got married.

3 We got to change the way we treat each other. We got to stop picking up the gun for dumb beefs. I am not going to lie I was 52 and still fighting in these streets but we got to stop that. We need to learn how to be non violent. We need to start using our words.  We have to stop the killing I'm tired of saying RIP and RWG all the time.

4 We no longer need the No Snitching rule back in the day it was necessary for survival but that is no longer needed. You see something call the police if it were your family you would want justice. We have to corporate with the police. Do not listen to the Bougsies talk to the ones who do not want you to talk to the police. Remember this they do not live in the hood its not them who have to put up with daily shootings. Its not them loosing their families.

5. We need to learn to budget our money. We stay broke because we are not keeping track of our money. We have a lack of money we can still budget but you have to account for every dime.

We have better stop or we will all die. We have to stop catching cases and stopntaking plea bargains. We need to start exercising our rights.

Finally we have to have each others back we are the only people who truly understands when your lights get cut off. We need to remain united.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

It's Election Day Hood get out and VOTE

It's Election Day and the Hood we have one job today and vote. This is a local election and in PA that means we are mostly voting for Judges. We need to make our voices heard loud and clear. We can protest all we want the only voice Politicians hear is the protest at the polls. Yes your vote counts. Yes your vote can change things. Yes your vote is the most powerful voice you have.

The Local elections are the most important vote because most of your problems deal with the issues that affect your life. Garbage pick up, the police, and local and county taxes, and any problems that any city or town has.

When the hood votes we cause fear in the people who want to take our vote away when we vote we send them our message loud and clear that we will not be played and used by Political Parties.

This blog doesn't take sides because I do not tell people how to vote or who to vote for. I will tell you this election will not have any effect on the President but your more important than he is because this election determines what will effect your personal life.

Don't just vote in elections with candidates you like or support. Vote in every election.

I'm going to cast my vote this afternoon on my way to the store. I hope to see you there.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Hood Protests the Media ignores

"But what about black on black crime?" Is often the question some white folks ask after a black person is killed by the police as a way to deflect from another cop shooting.  That is not helping your cause.

First of all I hate the term black on black crime because you never talk about white on white crime when a white person kills another white person.  I prefer Urban Violence.

What I'm tired of is everyone sees all these people Protesting the police brutality but they do not see us Protesting Urban Violence. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It not only happens it happens far more often only the media ignores it.  The media doesn't care about protests here.  Why? Is it because these protests have no violence. Some times it includes shout outs; which mean we shout at murderers and drug dealers. We can't show black people yelling at black people. The media showed up once after the Wilkinsburg shooting and that was because that was a major story. Sadly on local networks showed it. No one cared about that.

Another reason we are ignored is because we are not Protesting the police in fact we are encouraging people to cooperate with the police. We are not angry with the police so the media doesn't care.

We are angry though just not at the police. We are angry at kids with guns shooting up da hood. We are angry because of the no snitches are denying our families justice. We are angry at all the people murdered in our community.
I guess that isn't the kind of story National and in most cases the local media.

The media has always ignored the ghetto as long as we ain't rioting and destroying property they pretty much ignore it. That says to us they care more about property than they do for human life. This comes from an industry that has a moto if it bleeds it leads.