I have been unable to work Full Time since July 2015. I am still with the same company I was at when I had to leave. I have been feeling so good lately that I started thinking of going Full Time. However, my body had other ideas. I woke up sore and unable to move. A sign to me that my illness was in full stream. So I sucked it up and I rested. I spent the entire day in bed and cancelled my bible study. This is extremely difficult because I continue to struggle financially and between January 2018 and the extreme cold and my body rebelling it makes it even harder for me to not struggle.
I love my job and have done it for a long time but in 2010 I became ill with a disease called Sarcoidosis. I went to the Emergency Room with abdominal pain and had a CT Scan. The doctor came back and told me and my mother that I had cancer. This started a long 8 year journey including two different attempts to get SSD. The first time I applied I had to do this in order to qualify for Medical Assistance. I was turned down twice. I did not reapply again I went out and contacted my present Supervisor and I was offered a job. I have known her for years because I worked at her site when I worked for the Temp agency.
In March of 2015 I passed out at work and needed to go to the hospital Emergency Room. They told me that I had Kidney Stones and my heart was not working right that I was having a Silent Heart Attack. I was in the hospital for three days and that began the second nightmare with this disease. I spent the next several months going back and forth to the doctors and praying I didn't have to quit. My immune system was failing and the doctors didn't think I would be able to make it through another Winter working with so many people.
I quit my job on July 10,2015 and my last day was on July 24, 2015. I kept in contact with my Supervisor and she offered me a job as a Casual Employee. I was thrilled to be back at my beloved Southwell. I am only allowed to make $1180 a month in order to qualify for Social Security which makes things difficult for me. I will not live with a complete stranger because you never know what kind of drama people in the hood may have. I'm not trying to get shot because my roommate has drama.
I will continue to live under or at the amount needed and pray that my decision from my appeal is positive and I will be getting a monthly check. If I am denied then I will reapply and pray that it doesn't take another two years before I get a final decision. With Congestive Heart Failure I doubt it will be hard. The Tough part is to not push myself to hard and remember to not go over the limit of what Social Security sets.
The Free Store

Sunday, January 21, 2018
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Humilitating the Poor for Amusement. Wonder how you would like to be taking advantage of
Three middle class young men see a Homeless man and offer him $200 to eat mud; Two inner city Drug Dealers offer a young mother $300 bucks to lick a trash dumpster. Three women trick an uneducated person into cleaning their house by having them sign a contract that they know she doesn't understand. The woman ends up thinking she is going to be paid just to find out that she has signed a contract to work for free or two dollars a day. Yes the third one is not legal in the United States but some people are not aware that this is illegal. They may keep her working there for months or even years for no money. She may also be physically abused by her employer because she was convinced that is legal.
This happens to a lot of people in the hood or poor people in general thanks to poverty and lack of Education this is a reality for a lot of people and because humans today lack a sense of compassion for their fellow human beings. They either want to laugh at some poor homeless man by paying him to humiliate himself for their enjoyment. The drug dealers should know better because they have experienced poverty but in their case selling drugs have robbed their humanity from them so they no longer have compassion. Still others want free maid and child care service and have figured out a way to get this without being caught. Find a woman who either can not read or can not comprehend what she is reading and convince her that you will pay her well for her service and then refuse to pay her. They may convince her that because she signed a contract she now must work for her. They may use her fear of the Police by convincing her they will call them on her if she does not work for them.
Most poor people have been so deeply humiliated or mistreated by people for so long that they are not humiliated easily which would explain both the Homeless man and the woman paid to lick the trash dumpster. They have been humiliated for free so much that now someone is giving them money they need to pay a bill or buy some food to do humiliate themselves. Yes they are not happy to do the humiliating act but for them they are more worried about the bill they need to pay or they have some other financial difficulty that needs taken care of. Men who love to be humiliated also pay the women to humiliate them. This actually tends to be easier for the women because after all they are not being degraded they are the ones doing the degrading.
We as a Society are losing our compassion and respect for our fellow human beings. Life is precious and all people should be treated with the same respect that we want to be treated. Unfortunately, we have lost that compassion. Now we want what we want and after all the Poor are there for us to mistreat and abuse. Just a reminder Jesus started life poor and homeless.
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Sunday, January 14, 2018
When the Hood Protests Things get Done
Yesterday, despite a snow storm, the Hoods of Pittsburgh, protested a pizza shop because an employee assulted a woman because she didn't move fast enough. He banged her head off the floor despite the fact that she did not put her hands on him. Someone captured it on camera and it went viral. The Hood reacted quickly and a boycott was organized online. The Justice for Jade movement was born.
Pittsburgh Post Gazette and WPXI were the main two that covered the story here is the link.http://www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2018/01/13/Pittsburgh-investigating-beating-in-Uptown-s-Pizza-Milano-restaurant/stories/201801130083
The woman was trespassing but she asked to use the rest room but it was for paying customers so she brought a drink but he still told her no. He then became aggressive and started pushing her. She told him to stop pushing her. He got mad and attacked her he head butted her and slammed her head off the floor instead of calling the police. The police station is about a minute away. He kept saying Why you no listen to me and I say please the employees had to separate but he went outside and continued the assult.
The Hood is used to this treatment by foreigners, he was middle Eastern. In the 90s it was Koreans coming into our Hoods and treating us bad. They often assaulted us and sometimes we were even killed. Regardless of what things wlives we do not deserve to lose our lives and we deserve respect.
The hood protested outside of the building and ended up closing it down. It was so epic that a business with a similar name had to take out an ad saying they were not the same people. Finally the Pittsburgh Police issued a warrant for his arrest and he turned himself in. She was also charged with Trespassing and he with Simple and Aggravated assult.
It was a successful and non violent protest. This should inspire us to protest the murders every day in the Communities and become involved. We need to protect equally the abuse and murder from others and from our neighborhood. Our lives matter no matter who harms us.
Pittsburgh Post Gazette and WPXI were the main two that covered the story here is the link.http://www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2018/01/13/Pittsburgh-investigating-beating-in-Uptown-s-Pizza-Milano-restaurant/stories/201801130083
The woman was trespassing but she asked to use the rest room but it was for paying customers so she brought a drink but he still told her no. He then became aggressive and started pushing her. She told him to stop pushing her. He got mad and attacked her he head butted her and slammed her head off the floor instead of calling the police. The police station is about a minute away. He kept saying Why you no listen to me and I say please the employees had to separate but he went outside and continued the assult.
The Hood is used to this treatment by foreigners, he was middle Eastern. In the 90s it was Koreans coming into our Hoods and treating us bad. They often assaulted us and sometimes we were even killed. Regardless of what things wlives we do not deserve to lose our lives and we deserve respect.
The hood protested outside of the building and ended up closing it down. It was so epic that a business with a similar name had to take out an ad saying they were not the same people. Finally the Pittsburgh Police issued a warrant for his arrest and he turned himself in. She was also charged with Trespassing and he with Simple and Aggravated assult.
It was a successful and non violent protest. This should inspire us to protest the murders every day in the Communities and become involved. We need to protect equally the abuse and murder from others and from our neighborhood. Our lives matter no matter who harms us.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Business Owners in the Hood You are guests Act like it or Get out
A note to businesses inside of the Hood. Remember you are a guest and we also can shut you down.
This is a pizza shop in Uptown section of Pittsburgh, PA the video has no sound so we couldn't hear what was said only that a big White Man who only works there thought it was a good idea to beat the woman down and repeatly slam her head against the floor. I don't care what she did or didn't do. He had no right to put his hands on her. He is about to learn because he could possibly lose his life or go to jail.
We got two state Reps from Wilkinsburg and The Hill District who is launching an investigation.
A boycott of this Restaurant is being done now. Your white Customers do not want any problems after all they are also guests in the Community as well.
You come into our neighborhoods then remember you are guests we allow your business to operate there, you are not doing us a favor by being there especially since we are not being hired. We expect you to use options besides beating an impoverished woman. He could have called the police but because he is an abusive man he decided to beat this poor woman and bang her head off the floor. I can assure this punk that he will regret that. The hood doesn't like men putting their hands on women and our penalties are a lot stiffer than the law. The media and our state Representatives better make sure we get justice. Stephen Zapplalla we are watching you. We want justice and we already showed you at the polls that we can prevent you from going further. If the GOP runs for that seat you might lose.
We deserve respect in our neighborhood and we will no longer put up with this.
A note to businesses inside of the Hood. Remember you are a guest and we also can shut you down.
This is a pizza shop in Uptown section of Pittsburgh, PA the video has no sound so we couldn't hear what was said only that a big White Man who only works there thought it was a good idea to beat the woman down and repeatly slam her head against the floor. I don't care what she did or didn't do. He had no right to put his hands on her. He is about to learn because he could possibly lose his life or go to jail.
We got two state Reps from Wilkinsburg and The Hill District who is launching an investigation.
A boycott of this Restaurant is being done now. Your white Customers do not want any problems after all they are also guests in the Community as well.
You come into our neighborhoods then remember you are guests we allow your business to operate there, you are not doing us a favor by being there especially since we are not being hired. We expect you to use options besides beating an impoverished woman. He could have called the police but because he is an abusive man he decided to beat this poor woman and bang her head off the floor. I can assure this punk that he will regret that. The hood doesn't like men putting their hands on women and our penalties are a lot stiffer than the law. The media and our state Representatives better make sure we get justice. Stephen Zapplalla we are watching you. We want justice and we already showed you at the polls that we can prevent you from going further. If the GOP runs for that seat you might lose.
We deserve respect in our neighborhood and we will no longer put up with this.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Giving A Voice to the Voiceless
Ten years ago I was a normal poor woman from the Hood. I worked hard to provide for my family and struggled all the time. I lived through worrying about my sons surviving the violence that was common in my hood and I worried about the temptation my kids would face with selling drugs. I also prayed that someone would save the hood. I knew that no one was listening to us and that we did not have a voice.
I love Hillary Clinton and was excited she was running for President. It was the media's unfair treatment that angered me enough to start blogging on Hillary sites. It was on these sites that I realized that I had a voice one rarely heard. I began talking about Poverty and violence in the hood and discovered that not only did these women listen they cared. I met the White, middle Class Republican woman who became my best friend on a Hillary site. I talked freely about being poor and worked hard to dispel the myth that poor women were sad, long suffering victims but strong women who were mostly happy despite poverty. My other mission was to shed light on Community Violence.
Because my friend Jen was a Republican and not the racist boogyman that most people in the hood thought they were I figured she must not be alone so I began befriending Republican women on Facebook and I was right not only were there more Republicians who were not racist the vast majority were not. Like their Liberal sisters I found them to not only care about what I was saying about poverty and the violence in the hood they learned about what life was like living in the hood. They cared about poverty and believed their ideas would help. A lot of their ideas were actually good ideas that the hood liked. Carol was in this group. She is actually a real time friend of Jen. She has become what my granddaughter Aleara says is my second best friend.
I realized also that I was a voice that was rare and not often heard and I started talking about more issues like mass incarceration for non violent drug offenders and the problems of public education and how often times Educators ignore us and how many fall beneath the cracks. Issues I wanted to see change.
I continue to work hard educating women on what impact things like Prosecutors and Public Defenders pushing Plea Deals on terrified poor people who are innocent. My nephew who is serving time in Prison for a crime he didn't commit, encouraging me to continue to be not only his voice but the voices of the men serving time with him. Its a tremendous responsibility but one I must do because the hood needs not only my voice but others like me.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Ending the Myth that poor people lead sad lives
Ten years ago when I started blogging I realized that as a poor woman I was supposed to be an object of pity and that everyday of my life was supposed to be hell. I was shocked because NONE of the Poor women I knew lived that life. I looked at the pictures that media used for poor people, both black and white, are dirty with sad faces. People were stunned I wasn't sad and depressed. I don't have money but I have a full life. I don't know anyone born into poverty and even some who ended up impoverished live horrible lives.
Poor people work very hard, we complain about taxes (yes it hurts our pockets when they deduct payroll taxes. We do not want rich people's money we just want our taxes to go to Medicaid and Food Stamps instead of to Corporations or tax cuts. That makes us no different than the middle class and wealthy, looking out for our own interests. We are not fans of poor people who play the system and refuse to work living on the dole. We are more effective with getting them off welfare because we are their peers and shame from us is felt. Most of us raise our children to be moral and most of us care about our Children's education. We over indulge our kids at Christmas and vote. We enjoy our friends and we do not judge people by their race or income level. We don't judge people on Political Parties most of the time we stay out of that area. We make friends based on their character not things like race, income level, or Political parties. This enabled me to become friends with Jen, Carol, and Kim middle class Republican women and also Rosemary, Jess, and Amy middle class Democrats. All of these women enriched my lives. We are able to elect an Upper Class White Man as mayor based solely on who he is as a person.
Our lives are affected by poverty but it doesn't take over we take the hits and get on with our lives. We face Homelessness and overcome it without becoming sad. It's stressful but just one more obsticle to overcome. We may battle hunger and may require assistance but we get over it. We know that all we need to do is sound off the alarm to other poor people because the truth is no one helps the poor like other poor people. I once had to tell a middle class friend not to tell poor people she had no food in the house when she really meant she needed to go grocery shopping. She ended up having several bags of food and was embarrassed. I told her to keep the food and give it back to them when they needed it.
I'm usually a very positive person as is most of my friends. We sit in our kitchens or back yards and talk about our lives, jobs, kids, and men. We laugh and cry on each others shoulders. I may not have money but I have been blessed with a lot of good friends. I wouldn't change that either despite my struggles.
The next time you hear about poor people living horrible lives spend time with them and your discover we lack money not full lives full of happiness, sadness, struggle, good times, tradagy and love.
Friday, January 5, 2018
Braving the Cold
Today the Mid Atlantic states is going through a deep freeze. Wind Chills are going to drop to between -25 to -30. I work in a group home so I have to catch the bus to work and hope they show up on time.
My friend lives in Maine so she was hit with the Blizzard. I worried about her losing power. I know very well what winter is like without heat. During the winter of 2008-2009 thanks to a flaw in the way both gas and water lines in North Braddock is the gas and water lines are on every other streon. The houses that held my lines were abdoned and were condemned noone informed me why both my gas service and water was off. I had to call CYF (Child Welfare) and get help. I found out and had to find a place. I found out why in August of 2009. So my children and I spent the entire winter with no gas and water. We bundled up and used space heaters but I ended up loosing the feeling in my pinky permentaly due to Frost Bite.

Lots of poor people have no gas but thanks to Mayor John Fetterman and Peoples gas company joined together to help poor people get their gas service on. I will never forget that winter.
Remember to check on your sick and elderly neighbors to make sure they are warm.
Monday, January 1, 2018
Happy New Year The Hood needs Resolutions in 2018
Midnight on the East Coast rang in 2018. Millions of people are trying to stick to their New Year Resoultions. The Hood need several this year. The following are things we as a people need to adopt.
1. We must resolve to learn how to handle conflict. We tend to jump straight to "I'll kick your ass" mode instead of stopping and thinking of our response that will attempt to squash any beef we make it worse. I did this yesterday when a young female tagged me in the post and I got angry and posted angry words. In the mean time she was speaking to my sister. My mentor talked me into deleting my comment.
We do the same with fist fights and guns. We fight and now instead of trying again or even better accept our loss we get a gun or a gasoline can. We would rather steal a life. We are not God. We have no right to take someone's life because we can not handle our anger.
2. To much sex and drugs on our pages. We are not animals or sex objects. All the smashing and passing games prove to others that we are lacking morals. Most people who live here aren't having sex with multiple people or doing the drugs like crack and pills. We have to stop doing this nonsense on our pages. It's only hurting us.
3. Education: We got to stop thinking Education isn't for us. That is a lie. We just have to fight for it. We need to demand the Public Schools treat us as tax paying Citizens and it is our right. We have to get the basic education so that we can help our children and Grandchildren.
The most important thing we need to know is OUR rights and fight for them. Once we know our rights than they will stop scaring us with plea bargains.
The second thing is Financial Literacy so that we can learn how to manage our money better. This will prevent evictions and utility cut offs.
4. Voting We need to vote and not just for President but for Mayor, and Council, School Boards, State and Representatives and Senators on both State and local elections.
5. Regaining Hope We need to go back to before 1986 and get our old traditions. We Ole Heads have to tell our kids, grands, and greats what life was like when we were kids.
We have to start changing our lives depend on it.
1. We must resolve to learn how to handle conflict. We tend to jump straight to "I'll kick your ass" mode instead of stopping and thinking of our response that will attempt to squash any beef we make it worse. I did this yesterday when a young female tagged me in the post and I got angry and posted angry words. In the mean time she was speaking to my sister. My mentor talked me into deleting my comment.
We do the same with fist fights and guns. We fight and now instead of trying again or even better accept our loss we get a gun or a gasoline can. We would rather steal a life. We are not God. We have no right to take someone's life because we can not handle our anger.
2. To much sex and drugs on our pages. We are not animals or sex objects. All the smashing and passing games prove to others that we are lacking morals. Most people who live here aren't having sex with multiple people or doing the drugs like crack and pills. We have to stop doing this nonsense on our pages. It's only hurting us.
3. Education: We got to stop thinking Education isn't for us. That is a lie. We just have to fight for it. We need to demand the Public Schools treat us as tax paying Citizens and it is our right. We have to get the basic education so that we can help our children and Grandchildren.
The most important thing we need to know is OUR rights and fight for them. Once we know our rights than they will stop scaring us with plea bargains.
The second thing is Financial Literacy so that we can learn how to manage our money better. This will prevent evictions and utility cut offs.
4. Voting We need to vote and not just for President but for Mayor, and Council, School Boards, State and Representatives and Senators on both State and local elections.
5. Regaining Hope We need to go back to before 1986 and get our old traditions. We Ole Heads have to tell our kids, grands, and greats what life was like when we were kids.
We have to start changing our lives depend on it.
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